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What timezone does use?

All times are automatically recorded in UTC. You can change the output in the app to suit your timezone in the settings section.

When should I use Timed API?

The timed API should be used when you are performing any operation in your code that takes more than a few seconds. This way you will always be able to track performance, stability, and be alerted of any changes.

When should I use Metrics API?

The metrics API should be used if you want to track anything with a numerical value. This could be accuracy of a machine learning model, the count of rows of data, the number of users, anything you can think of that may be useful to track.

When should I use Exception API?

The exception API should be used for tracking any exceptions in your code. Combined with the timed API this will help you understand when there are issues in your code and what caused them.

Can I use with my machine learning models?

Yes, is perfect for tracking the performance and accuracy of machine learning models. See our examples of how to do this in our development guide.

Can I use while performing data analysis?

Yes, is perfect for tracking the performance and accuracy of your code, especially when performing analysis on data that can take some time to complete. See our examples of how to do this in our development guide.

Can I use to monitor my ELT process?

Yes. is great for tracking the different stages of an ETL process. You will be able to understand the performance and stability of your code. See our examples of how to do this in our development guide.

Should I monitor my website with

Probably not. excels when tracking operations that take over a few seconds to complete. Or at tracking numerical values that may be related to size of data, accuracy or other metrics. Websites tend not to fit this paradigm.